Back tension and proper alignment is the foundation of good repeatable form and consistent shooting. But, unless you already know what it is, it can be a difficult thing to grasp. What is it exactly? What does it feel like? How do I know if I’m using back tension in my shot? These are all great questions and ones’ that you’ll need to answer. Hopefully this video will help a little.

In this video I explain the mechanics behind back tension and how it helps you develop a consistent and repeatable shot. You can think of it as a kind of structural support, helping to keep your bow at full draw, rather than using muscles alone which can vary tremendously from shot to shot.

Toward the end of the video, I show how I made a “form master” to demonstrate how I use my back to draw the bow rather than my forearm and bicep. You can make one yourself or pick one up at 3 Rivers.

Good shooting, ch