Thanks for signing up on Patreon! As part of perks you’ll get access to some pretty awesome bow building videos. This is part of an online course I’m developing that’ll cover everything I know about building bows. This series of videos on a take down is rather advanced and a little out of place to start off with but the more fundamental videos are coming.
There are several methods for making a two piece take down bow. Metal sleeves are popular and they’re a viable option for selfbows. But the method I’m about to describe is, in my opinion, the all-around best way to make a two piece bow. I first saw this method described for laminated bows by Jim Babcock of Big Jim’s Bow Company. It’s relatively inexpensive, pretty easy, durable, and works very well. The materials we’ll need consist only of some fiberglass resin and cloth tape. The resin and cloth can be picked up at any hardware or automotive shop.
This video series will take you through the process. This is also described in the Traditional Bowyer’s Handbook. You can access the rest of the videos by signing up as a Patreon member.

I am trying to view building a take down selfbow but cannot open it. I keep being told I need to belong to Patreon which I am, I am able to open other Patreon post with no problem. Is there maybe something I am doing wrong or is there maybe a problem with Patreon?
Hi Bob, are you signed into your patreon account? I’m just figuring out how to integrate patreon with my website so there may be an issue with viewing the content here on the site as opposed to Patreon. Here’s a link to the first vid on the patreon site. Two Piece Takedown – Part 1