It’s a pretty awesome feeling when you can hit a bull’s-eye or take a deer or elk, or even a rabbit, with a longbow you’ve made yourself.
If you’re ready to take your hunting to the next level, or at least look cool hiking around the woods, you might think about learning how to make a longbow.
When I first started bow hunting many moons ago I bought a compound bow just like everyone else. That’s just what you did if you wanted to bow hunt, or so I thought. Even though I’d always been interested in bow making, survival skills, and woodsmanship, I didn’t know anyone that shot traditional archery, let alone knew how to make a longbow. And so I took the path of least resistance.
But, I eventually found some good instructions and that set me on a journey that I’m still traveling today. I started making selfbows about 1999 and have been making them ever since. You tend to remember every animal because you work so hard for them. Even if you’re not a hunter, learning the art of bow making is rewarding in itself.
Video series on how to make a longbow
The video below shows you the first step in making a longbow. I use Osage orange here, but you can make a serviceable survival bow out of just about any hardwood using this method.
In the video it says you can click the link to get my book. Here’s that link for the book on bow hunting.
Also note that at the bottom of the page are all my videos on traditional archery. Everything from making your own bowstring to fletching arrows and more. Just click the video and it will play right on this page.