This years archery elk season turned out to be one of the toughest I’ve ever had. In total I hunted for 19 days and out of all that time I was within stick bow range only twice. The first of which I let slip through my fingers as I waited on a bull that never showed. How many more times will I have to learn that lesson!?! I’d have taken that shot had I known that for the next 10 days it would be all I could do just to see and elk, let alone get to within bow range. But if traditional bowhunting elk were easy, I suppose we’d have to find something else to do…

But eventually stubborn persistence came through but getting the shot wouldn’t be the only thing I’d need it for. This also turned out to be one of the longest tracking jobs I’ve had. This is the second and final part of the 2018 elk series. Check it out and leave a comment to let us know what you thought. What was your toughest blood trailing or tracking experience?