Bow Building

  • Master Bowyer DVD: 3 Disk Set

    This is by far the most detailed and comprehensive collection of Bow Building video instruction anywhere. Clay Hayes, in his proven teaching style, takes you step by step through the process of building wood selfbows that can outperform many of todays modern traditional bows. This DVD set covers everything from finding and selecting bow wood to designing, tillering, and reflexing to draw every ounce of performance from natural material bows!
  • Rawhide bow backing strips

    Sold by the pair. These Rawhide bow backing strips make a very durable backing for wood bows. These strips are matched and cut from high quality rawhide. Dimensions are 2 inches wide by 37 inches long. You'll need to overlap the strips (about an inch or so) in the handle section.  Check out the video below on how to back a bow with rawhide. Note - In the video I mention to stretch the hide lengthwise before putting it on the bow. Depending on how the hide was stretched when dried, some strips may already be stretched. If they don't stretch much, the work is already done. Also, it may take much longer for the strips to re-hydrate than what's shown in the video. To be safe, soak them over night in warm (not hot) water. [embedyt][/embedyt]
  • This 160 page bow building book is a practical, easy to follow guide to building wooden self bows including longbows, recurves, and flat bows from easily accessible wood from across north America. We cover characteristics of multiple tree species, stave selection, backing (chasing a ring), tillering, factors that influence accuracy in shooting, arrow making, string making, how to make a two piece take down bow, and much much more. No matter if you're just getting started in bow making, or have been building bows for years, you're bound to learn something form the Traditional Bowyer's Handbook. All books order here are signed. If you want it made out to someone in particular, just leave me a note at checkout. Copies are also available from Amazon. Click Here to purchase from Amazon.
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